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HomeWeb Hosting ArticlesWhat Exactly are Dedicated Hosting Servers?

What Exactly are Dedicated Hosting Servers?

Corporate web sites, social networks and video sharing web portals are very famous and heavy web sites that need lots of resources to function. The more viewers a website accommodates simultaneously, the more system resources will be needed to tackle all the requests from the customers' browsers and to process them. This is why a dedicated hosting would be the optimal web hosting platform for such pages.

With a Dedicated Hosting - All of the Resources are for You

Xeon Scalable 6c
Xeon 3204/similar1.9 GHz (6 Cores)
2x240 GB nvme Hard Drives
$118.80* /mo
$132.00 /mo
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Xeon Scalable 10c
Xeon 4210/similar2.2 GHz (10 Cores)
2x480 GB nvme Hard Drives
$183.60* /mo
$204.00 /mo
Please wait...

Buying a dedicated hosting suggests that you obtain an entire physical machine for your needs. In contrast with the hosting services or the VPS hosting solution where you share a web server with a specific number of other customers, with a dedicated hosting you can use all the resources for your online portals' requirements.

Dedicated Hosting Hardware Equipment

There are varied web hosting server configurations that you can buy. They contrast in relation to the hardware specifications they have - processors, RAM quantities, hard disk drives, network cards, but they may also have a monthly web traffic limitation. For a very famous web page, or if you wish to host lots of web portals on one single hosting server, you may consider a more advanced architecture.

Running Dedicated? How Much? That's the Question.

At Idca Hosting we offer various configurations to answer the demands of every client - from a small server for one single web site to a very advanced architecture that can handle very busy portals and thousands of viewers at any time. The central processing unit and server space quotas and the database connections can be confined only by the web hosting server hardware itself.

Dedicated Hosting - Advantages and web hosting Control Panels

One notable advantage of the dedicated hosting over a web hosting package is that you are granted complete server root access, so you can install any software that you would like. Some electronic commerce shopping cart scripts, for example, demand extra software that cannot be installed on a shared hosting server as it would influence all the customers on it. With a dedicated hosting, you have complete independence to install anything. You can manage the server either by utilizing the SSH network protocol, or via a website hosting CP tool. Here, you have an option again. You can avail of a website hosting Control Panel furnished by the web hosting provider, or you can activate your own. Some popular website hosting Control Panel interfaces are Hepsia, cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin and H-Sphere. Most web hosting CP tools are license-free (Hepsia), while others (cPanel) demand a monthly license tax to use them.

Transform Your Dedicated Hosting Server Into a Money Making Machine

Together with the possibility to host your very own domain name, a dedicated hosting offers you the chance to start your own hosting enterprise and to offer website hosting services to other persons. Numerous hosting CP interfaces include a hosting reseller admin software supplement, so if you have a billing & support system like as WHMCS, AWBS or ClientExec, you can kickstart your hosting business, creating a variety of website hosting packages for your prospective clients. You can also provide technical support to your customers directly, and, since you have full server root access, you can install software applications on demand, so your customers will be satisfied with the service they get.

Managed Dedicated Hosting Services

We also provide an extra paid admin service. Our admins will support you with any complication that you may have with your dedicated hosting - an Operating System update, a script activation, a troubleshooting operation, or any other problem that you may come across.

A dedicated hosting - the Ultimate web hosting Environment

A dedicated hosting is the ultimate web hosting service if you seek an advanced and stable website hosting service without hassling about reaching any limitations. Whether you will host your own web portals, or you are a site designer with numerous clients and demand web server storage space for your work, or you desire to make some extra money by reselling the web hosting server storage space to others, a dedicated hosting server will give you the liberty that no other website hosting environment can.